Sunday, May 29, 2011

Proof that you don't have to be handsome to be happy!


Everyone in this country has the freedom to be whatever and who ever they want to be.  Unless you plan to break any moral/ethical or governmental laws,  you can worship any G_d you want or none at all.  Our men and women that serve in the military and those that have died have guaranteed you that freedom.  Honor them.

Summer is near!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Clothing bits

Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity.

Never buy clothing you don't intend to wear.

Good clothing and manners will open all doors.

When in doubt, wear a tie.

Four-in-hand, only if your in a hurry, full or half Windsor if your not.
Also, if you choose to wear a tie, then button the top button.

If you can't see your shirt cuff, your jacket doesn't fit.

Always dress one step better than your colleagues.

Men shop alone.

Break in your own jeans!  Don't let the factory do it for you.

You can never overdress.

Men should never wear sandals.

One day, you'll be too old to wear a leather jacket.  Know when that happens.

Real men don't wear skinny jeans, now stop it!

Men's sweaters don't have zippers.

Men, shorts are for boys, remember that.

Keep it simple, a white oxford shirt will always be in style.

A tee under your shirt helps you maintain your dignity.

Even Polo's should be tucked in.

Black shoes black belt, brown shoes brown belt.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

Guys, please, at least try to match your colors.

Solid black socks only with your dress shoes.  White only if you are wearing athletics.

Unless you have served in the armed forces, no fatigues!

Never be seen shirtless in public, especially when jogging.

Boxers only, never tighties.

Never wear a cowboy hat, no matter how tempted you might be.

Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.

A tee shirt is neither a statement of philosophy or an advertizement, it's a shirt.  Wear it plain.

Oh, and by the way, a real man's luggage never rolls.

Own at least one good suit that fits.

Always wear your shirts and slacks without wrinkles!  Irons have a purpose.

On Sunday morning,  a gentleman gets dressed.

Never wear your pants lower than the crack of your ass for crying out loud!  Hip bones are there for a reason!

And then there's the TV

I am so sick and tired of reality shows and competition programs that have no imagination what so ever. You simply cannot find a good homey sitcom worth watching anymore. Even the Food channel is full of reality and competition crap!

Who are we?

You Tube videos and the like have become the new public display. People are filmed face-planting, tripping, being run over by cars, and worse yet, kids (and adults) video the shameless act of assaulting other people to near death! This may be the 2nd millennium with different technologies than from the past, but people never change.  Our interest in these deplorable things are proof. (I.M.H.O.)