Saturday, May 17, 2014

Someone on a blog had the audacity to call me a racist of all things regarding my opinion of Barack and this is how I responded:

"I have a great suspicion of anyone who immediately plays the race card where Obama is concerned. And As__smes that I am a racist.

My choice is that I vote not on color of skin, unfortunately the majority of Black people in this country did vote thusly, I vote for the person. I would not like Obama no matter if he were an Albino. I studied him and his time as Senator. I read his books. I saw through him and I understood when he said in a speech, he was going to downsize our military, downsize our nukes, put the coal companies out of business and talk to our enemies. I also listened when he told Joe the Plumber that wealth needed redistributing.

I also listened when John Podesta went on FOX with Chris Wallace and said that Obama was going to use executive orders to get past his agenda and bypass Congress. I also listened when John Podesta came back a few weeks later and said that there was a committee set-up to find all the ways Obama could bypass Congress. So when he said on TV the other day, that Obama's Global Warming agenda was going through and there was nothing anybody could do about it, I listened then.

I also listened when Ottmar Edenhofer the co-chair of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Conference, held in Cancun Mexico in 2010 said: "One must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy......One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."

I have listened and watched and Obama has and is doing everything he said he would. And that is only the tip of his Icey Burg that he is making of America.

Perhaps it would help if you would listen a bit more closely. There is more where this came from and I am always happy to share....the wealth....of information.. with those who are not so well endowed with facts."

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