Friday, September 5, 2014

Some of my most terrible customer service experiences at Walmart, while I continue to shop there for the brand names and the lower prices, there is no excuse for this type of customer service!:

1. Cashier licking her finger while handling me my change.   I told her,seriously?  I am not taking even one of those bills off that tray until you call your supervisor.  She complied.  Her supervisor told me she does that all the time, and the supervisor gave me fresh bills.  As I left I asked the supervisor, "she does that all the time and she still works here?"  She said,"Well only a few complain, like you did."

2.  While shopping for a boot tray in the door mat aisle, I asked the clerk scanning the shelves where I can find them.  She sarcastically scanned the shelf and said, "well apparently not here".  I asked, where I might find them elsewhere in the store and she told me they are usually in this aisle.  So I asked her when she would expect to have them in stock,and she replied, "what?, do I look like a fortune teller?"  In shock, I reported her to her supervisor.  All the supervisor said was, "yeah, she gets in those moods once in a while, we just ignore her."

3.  While trying to navigate around the displays set up in the middle of the aisles I came across an aisle that was completely blocked on both sides with employee carts. On each side a clerk was working the shelves.  I asked one if this aisle was closed and she promptly said "NO!, while rolling her eyes, just go around like everyone else does!"  This time I was mad, I grabbed her cart and pushed it with all my strength into the area she was working, knocking down the display she was working on and I said, "Looks like I can pass after all and I guess you'll have to go around!

4.   Today at Walmart, this "security" guy is spying on a few customers from behind a display. The customers can't see him snooping at them but he is blocking the aisle. So loudly I said, "EXCUSE ME." He looked up at me a totally ignored me. Once again I said, "EXCUSE ME!, go spy on people somewhere else, your blocking my path!" The customers he was spying on quickly vanished. Later, on two occasions he slowly passed me and stared at me on the third time I said, (very loud): "WTF (no abbreviations used at the time) are you looking at?" He has be the worst security I have ever seen. Most of you know how I am an unassuming little guy and look like I would never hurt a flea, but I clearly shocked this fellow. His face turned completely red with embarrassment and he scurried away with his tail between his legs.

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